NEW ITEM, Trader Joe’s: Gourmet Fresh PURPLE GARLIC

(june 2024)

Trader Joe’s currently has this fresh “PURPLE GARLIC” at the moment. Its being sold along the “regular” white bulbs of garlic they always have. This is the kind of garlic one would usually see at a farmer’s market.

I’m going to guess this purple garlic is a “limited item” so if you want to try it – and trust me you do ! – if you see this, snap it up.

The garlic itself is white not purple. The skin is purple, striped. Its $1.99 for 4 bulb which of course works out to 50 cents a bulb. Thats same price as the regular garlic (50 cents). This purple garlic however is a bit more “gourmet” though. Again, think Farmer’s Market level produce. At my local farmer’s market, I’ve seen garlic off a farm sell for $2-4 just for one bulb!

Anyway why “purple” and what’s the difference between purple garlic like this and the other regular garlic bulbs Trader Joe’s sells?

I had to Google it. Basically it is “Hardneck vs Softneck” variety garlic….

“Purple garlic has a purple hue to its papery skin, though the inner cloves are the same color as white garlic cloves. It comes from a variety called hardneck garlic….Purple garlic cloves are “juicier” and have a milder flavor than white garlic when fresh. You might see purple garlic in some supermarkets, but it’s more likely to be found in specialty markets and at farmers’ markets.”

How did it taste? Excellent. I really liked this garlic so I bought more the next time I saw it. This garlic is super fresh and excellent quality.

If you see this I recommend getting it while you are still able to. I don’t expect to see this forever but who knows, maybe they have this supplier for good now.

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