Seen at Trader Joe’s in NEW ITEMS. They have a new peanut butter that has honey. 3 ingredients listed. Dry roasted peanuts, honey and sea salt. I didn’t try it yet but looks a bit interesting. It doesn’t say but I’m sure its smooth ( i’m a crunchy PB person). I am guessing especially if you have kids, this may be worth a try. Way better for them than say JIF. Good price too at three bucks for a 1 lb jar.

A peanut butter and banana sandwich on their good Organic Seeded Bread?

I generally don’t buy sweetened PB. My regular one is TJ’s PB in the blue jar (salted, crunchy) which only has peanuts (and a bit of sea salt). Its my downfall. I go through about a jar a week or two.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Connie Sutherland
    Jun 17, 2024 @ 14:39:58

    I prefer peanut butter unsweetened and unsalted, but I like the idea of this for those who want sweetening. (And I’d definitely try it if someone offered me a spoonful!)



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