Trader Joe’s Savory Thin Mini RICE CRACKERS (GF)

Trader Joe’s Thin Mini Rice Crackers –

I love these and buy them all the time.

Trader Joe’s sells a number of Japanese style crackers which are made from rice. In Japan crackers made from rice are very popular and are called senbei of which there are perhaps a hundred varieties. TJ’s sells about 3 or 4 different kinds of rice crackers.

These are called Savory Mini Thin Rice Crackers and they’re really tasty and really good. I just love them. They are about the size of a quarter. They’re incredibly crunchy and are delicious as a snack by themselves as well as equally delicious used like any cracker. Spread something on them, some cheese or spread or peanut butter and jam. Top them with a slice of ham, cheese, or whatever you want. If you are someone who is Gluten Free (I’m not) these are primarily made from rice. Ingredients listed are : rice flour, sesame seeds, safflower oil, tamari soy sauce powder, maltodextrin, salt and garlic powder. These light colored ones are $3.49 a bag (8 oz). There’s another multiseed kind (with Tamari) that are darker that are also good and are $3.99.

According to the Nutrition facts label there are 130 calories in 38 crackers! So pretty Low Calorie as far as snacks go and not heavy in the Sodium department either. So I’d say this is a pretty healthy snack as far as crackers you can buy.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Connie Sutherland
    Nov 28, 2023 @ 17:49:17

    Thanks! I’ll be buying these next week at TJ’s! I love tiny crackers and love the lower sodium and lower calories. 😄

    Liked by 1 person


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