Trader Joe’s Loaded Fruit & Nuts GLUTEN FREE GRANOLA

I liked this granola. Its a bit different from TJ’s regular oat based granolas – which by the way are gluten free if made from oats!)

This Loaded Fruit and Nut Gluten Free Granola is made with corn for one thing, in the shape of some thick corn flake things…they are round cup shapes that are kind of a very thick and crunchy “corn flakes” TJ says they’re “super crunchy, lightly sweetened, corn-based, cup-shaped, circular flakes”.

It also has some rice based small round things that may remind you of Rice Crispies but much better of course. It has just enough fruit and nuts to justify the name “loaded”. I still usually toss in a few dried cranberries. This gluten free granola is super crunchy. It holds up very well to milk, and it matches great with yogurt. I like this as nice super crunchy topping on my morning yogurt & fruit. “Enjoy it as a snack right out of the bag”

Yes do I like this stuff by itself as a snack, again super crunchy. TIP: I usually turn the bag a few times and shake it to distribute all the things before pouring some out. TJ’s GLUTEN FREE GRANOLA is $3.99 for a 12 oz bag. It contains among other things, almonds, coconut, hazel nuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, raisins, cranberries, coconut….

I would buy it again.

  • Gluten Free? Sure, but most all granola is made with oats which are of course Gluten Free.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Genevieve Mullis
    Jul 30, 2023 @ 04:36:04

    Most GF people avoid oats because they’re often processed is the same facilities that process wheat. So, someone with celiacs would not purchase anything made with oats unless it’s labeled as GF. This is also why not every oatmeal at the grocery store has the GF label.



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