My wife picked up one of these tarts the other day at Trader Joe’s, and I’ve got to say I was pretty impressed just looking at it. This looks like something that camew from an upscale bakery and I would imagine might cost about $15 or more. At TJ’s it’s $7.99. Wow. But does it taste as good as it looks? OMG, yes. It’s delicious! It tastes as good as it looks like it was made in an upscale bakery. There are a ton of sliced apples that stil look like apples, not some mushy canned apple pie filling loaded with cornstarch that came from a can that even some store bought apple pies have in them. The apples in this tart still have a bit of texture, and it’s not overly sweet, nor overly thickened. The taste is just the way it looks like it is, apples. You can see the quality of the baking. We found this tart to be absolutely delicious especially when we served it, paired up with a spoon of French Vanilla ice cream, a match made in heaven. The crust is perfect too.

If you served this to guests, I’m sure you will get a ton of compliments and questions about where you bought it. Or even “did you make this?”

This is seriously good!

TRADER JOE’S FRENCH APPLE TART – $7.90 for a 1 lb, 4 oz tart

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Marcia Siegle
    Dec 15, 2021 @ 14:37:35

    Absolutely, too excessively sweet. But a nice attempt.



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