“A crispy savory and sweet cracker to complement cheeses, dips, and toppings”

Wow, these little Trader Joe’s crackers are just delicious. First off, the texture is great, as they are very well baked and very crunchy, and have both sunflower and flax seeds.

The flavor of these is terrific, just the right amount of both sweet and savory. These are pretty small and delicate. They taste great on their own with nothing on them. You can eat them right out of the box.

However they will be even better if you put something on them. I tried them with cream cheese and loved the combo, then tried them with some Chevre and brie; they will match superbly with any cheese you put on them, or try them with charcuterie too like prosciutto.

These are one of those Trader Joe’s products that you could really impress guests with. Especially one of those cheese boards. Pretty natural sounding ingredients too. These are about $4 / box (5.3 oz)

Another knock it out of the ball park Trader Joe’s item. I would buy them again


1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Connie Sutherland
    Jan 16, 2024 @ 13:53:09

    Ooooh … I wish they were gluten-free!

    On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 10:11 AM Trader Joe’s Rants & Raves (mostly raves,



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