Seen at Trader Joe’s (new item) “First Field Local CRUSHED TOMATOES”

Seen at Trader Joe’s New York City. NEW ITEMS Section. Large cans of tomatoes, the look a bit upscale. Locally sourced (New Jersey) “Vine Ripened, Kettle Cooked, Crushed Tomatoes” 28 oz for $3.49. Have not tried these yet. Want to. The picture on the label appears to look a bit like the elongated Roma (like San Marzano) type of tomato?

Here’s what I found on the First Field company website: … good for sauce, pizza, etc

Seen at Trader Joe’s: Cheery Lemon Animal Crackers


CHEERY LEMON ANIMAL CRACKERS – “Covered in a yogurt candy coating with non-pareils”

I didn’t try these but they looked to me like something kids might go for, and they are just 99 cents for a small package.

Trader Joe’s says : “creamy, yogurt coating, with authentic citrus aroma & lemony zing…. 13 unique & gladsome Animals, including: bears, elephants, cats, donkeys, goats, tigers, lions, horses, cows, rhinos, camels, bison, and hippos.” Colors come from natural sources like: vegetable juice, beta-carotene, and turmeric.

Not many things anymore you can find at TJ’s for just 99 cents !


Saw it in the NEW ITEMS section: Trader Joe’s PEPPERMINT CASTILE SOAP – “A multi purpose cleaner made with olive, coconut, hemp and jojoba oils” – “SHAMPOO, BODY WASH, BATH, HOUSEHOLD CLEANER, LAUNDRY CLEANER”

As you can see this soap is good for almost everything!

Especially if you are of a certain age when you see this blue bottle which says PEPPERMINT CASTILE SOAP it will immediately make you think of the very famous bottle of DR BRONNER’S Castile Soap, an iconic brand. Those blue bottles had a label with a ton writing on it, mostly about World Peace. Dr. Bronner;s has been around for ever (founded 1948). I love the stuff and used it forever until it got quite pricey.

Dr Bronners peppermint soap is a product I am very fond of. Its good for EVERYTHING. The peppermint Dr Bronners is so minty fresh it would make your scalp tingle if you used as shampoo. “Dilute, dilute, OK” it said on the label filled with a ton of the Dr’s writings about World Peace. Don’t get it in your eyes. So Dr. Bronner’s is one of those “old fashioned” products that is so useful and so classic it’s actually been copied at least a few times that I know of. Bed Bath Beyond had their own version of this liquid peppermint Castile soap and now Trader Joe’s has come out with their version. I’m very happy to see this.

Its made with Olive Oil, Coconut Oil and Hemp Oil (!) plus has two kinds of mint.

I don’t have a bottle of the original soap right now to compare Trader Joe’s version to, but I liked this. Trader Joe’s version of the famous blue bottle of Peppermint Castile soap quite good.

It has a wonderful peppermint smell. This is trulya “multi-purpose” product that you can literally use all over the house: in the bath, in the kitchen, in the laundry, on your floors, really all over the house. A little bit of it goes a long way too. A little squirt of this soap on your hands makes a good lather and your nose will love the fresh minty smell.

BODY WASH/SHAMPOO/BATH – I put a very tiny squirt on a bath poof and just the little amount made an enormous amount of soapy lather in a few seconds. It smelled wonderful and minty fresh. It felt refreshing. Shampoo- It will make your scalp feel tingly and clean from the peppermint (make sure not to let this get in your eyes !)

LAUNDRY – I put it on a clean, washed old T shirt I use for the gym. I hand washed it in hot water with some of this soap. Wow. The water got so dirty it wasn’t funny. This is great for laundry and will make clothes smell great and refresh clothes, especially things like gym clothes or socks that might have odor.

Trader Joe’s CASTILE PEPPERMINT SOAP is $5.99 for a 16 oz bottle. For comparison Target sells Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap for $17 for a 32 oz bottle. So decent price for this quality Castile soap.

I liked this a lot. I would buy it again.

“AVOID CONTACT WITH EYES” (tip: the mint is strong so be careful getting this near your eyes)



“Made with cream, Italian tomatoes and Grana Padano. Creamy, velvety and savory”

I just saw this sauce yesterday on the NEW ITEMS shelf and thought I would show it to you as this looks a little interesting.

I plan to review this in the near future – REVIEWED HERE

This ‘pink sauce’ really delivers on flavor….Our supplier in Italy sources all of their dairy from the Piedmont region—a region renowned for its milk and cheeses. They start with a cream & milk blend, to which they add a short list of ingredients, including tomato paste, onion & garlic purées, basil, oregano, and Grana Padano.


I was pretty impressed with these new sausages, called UNEXPECTED CHEDDAR CHICKEN SAUSAGE. In fact I’m going to say these sausages are the bomb. We’re talking so juicy & flavorful. Overall flavor of these sausages is terrific. It’s Ingredients include chicken, unexpected cheddar of course plus caramelized onions and red bell peppers. Personally I really like the snap of the natural pork casing they use, but some have said they think it’s too “thick”* . They didn’t drip or ooze out cheese, if that’s what you are are expecting, its not cheesy like that, it’s more about flavor. I guess the cheddar just melts in and gives them a lot of flavor and obviously some juiciness. I thought they were delicious and we both really enjoyed these when we ate them for dinner as a dish with a side of sautéed potatoes and vegetables.

These can be served in many ways. Want super easy? Just grill them up a bit and put them on a good bun with mustard and sauerkraut. Maybe the TJ’s Brioche Hot Dog Buns! I did a “German style” dish with them with sauteed potatoes. I grilled the sausages on the stove. Along side the sausages, I made sautéed vegetables (potatoes, onions, peppers and some cabbage). The sausages with these vegetables were a really good combination and we enjoyed it all with slices of TJ’s MARBLE RYE bread and DIJON MUSTARD and some of TJ’s excellent SAUERKRAUT. Very German. OK the Dijon was French.

These sausages are already fully cooked. However I think browning them is a must. I just learned you should not prick sausages as we’ve been taught. That they stay juicier if you don’t prick them. OK one of them burst a bit on me but it was fine.

One of these sausages has only 160 calories, and while they are not low in sodium, they are not super high either, these sausages have a bit less sodium compared to TJ’s Andouille Chicken Sausages.

I think these CHEDDAR CHICKEN SAUSAGES are a terrific addition to all the other chicken sausages that Trader Joe’s carries. In fact for me, these are so impressive I’d say these go right to the top of my list of all of TJ’s chicken sausages. I would buy these again. These are $4.49 a package (12 oz) PS – * Personally I love the snap that a real traditional pork casing gives a sausage however if you don’t want it one reader writes he carefully peels off the casing before cooking them.



This is a great new pasta Trader Joe’s recently introduced with a great shape. It’s a “Fusilli” (corkscrew) curly shaped pasta with a little hole (bucati) in the center. This shape is very good and will hold lwhatever lovely sauce or ingredients you use with it. You can tell it’s a premium quality pasta just by looking closely: the exterior is not smooth but rough indicating it was *bronze die cut, and produced by a high end artisanal Italian manufacturer (closeup below: note the rough texture). This pasta has a fast cooking time, the package says 7-8 minutes. I just cooked it and at around 6 minutes it was al dente, meaning if I’m going to finish this with the sauce in a pan the way Italians do, I would fish the pasta out at around the 5 minute mark – a minute under al dente.


I just cooked some to taste, quite simply with butter, grated cheese and pepper. It was excellent. This is indeed terrific pasta. This corkscrew hollow shape should be great with many sauces, either tomato based and I think especially with a pesto sauce (green or red)

Trader Joe’s ORGANIC FUSILLI CORTI BUCATI PASTA. Imported From Italy. Organic Durum Semolina Wheat. $1.99. Try this if you see it, it’s really good. Me, I will buy a bunch for our pantry.

* Bronze dies make better pasta as they give pasta rough edges which makes for better sauce adherence.

RECIPE: I made a Tuna Pasta dish with this fusilli. It was excellent.

COLD TUNA PASTA too. (Pasta, One or two cans tuna, drained. Capers, Lemon, Olive Oil, A little mayo, chopped parsley.)

Everything But The Elote Seasoning Blend


Here’s another nice addition to Trader Joe’s seasoning blends, in a similar vein obviously to their very popular “Everything but the Bagel” seasoning (which is excellent btw, and something I will review in future). Well, “everything but the bagel” is pretty obvious to most people but “everything but the elote” maybe not quite as obvious at least in the US. What is “Elote” anyway that this is “everything but”?

Elote corn is a popular street food found all over Mexico, which is hot corn on the cob, adorned with mayonnaise, cheese, chile powder, lime juice and grated cheese…. Trust me if you’ve never tried it, it’s crazy delicious. The Elote vendor takes an ear of corn, which he then sprinkles with lime, spreads mexican crema or mayonnaise over it, sprinkles it with a tons of grated cotija cheese, chile powder and sauces. The combined flavors will send you to heaven.

This blend has everything but the corn. Typical Mexican spices replicating the taste. And by the way, add your own corn and make Elote Corn yourself!

Here’s a video I found on Youtube of a Elote vendor in Oaxaca prepping one for a customer in a jiffy with all the works. Watch how fast this guy is!

Don’t you wish we had smellovision?

Trader Joe’s did a good job of capturing all these flavors into this seasoning, which is so good this stuff has quickly been capturing the internet by storm. It gives you the cheese-sy smell, sweet and spicy flavor profile of Elote. Ingredients include cheese, cumin, chile, salt, sugar, chipotle… Very yummy stuff.

While I intend to of course try it on fresh corn this summer when corn is available in season, you can use this seasoning in lots of ways besides on corn, as yummy as that will be! You can sprinkle this on all kinds of veggies or meats. I tried it out on some boneless chicken breasts for dinner, I hit them with olive oil and a good amount of the Elote powder all over them, let them marinate for 10 minutes or so, before grilling them in a hot cast iron pan (recipe below). The chicken turned out fantastic with a super flavor. I also tried it out just mixing some of the blend into greek yogurt, which made an instant delicious dip or sauce and tried that on tortilla chips and that too was super Yummy. Hey you can put that yogurt sauce on top of the chicken (or what have you)!

Trader Joe’s has a number of “elote” products now.
A jar of this is $2.49. I hear its flying off the shelves. It’s very worth trying if you like spicy, cheesy, delicious stuff.

Here by the way is my patented greatest method to cook boneless breasts of chicken so they come out juicy, not dry. The seasoning can be almost anything you can think of.

Prep your chicken breasts. Season them. Put them in a very hot black cast iron pan, or non-stick pan with some olive oil, or oil and butter. Grill on one side for about 3-4 minutes till nice and brown, then turn them over and grill for 1-2 minutes. Then turn off the heat and cover the pan. This is the secret. Let them rest without peeking for about 5 minutes. The breasts will continue to cook through but not over cook and dry out. There will be juice in the pan which you can pour over the chicken breasts when you serve them or serve these pan juices on the side. You can also mix the pan juices with some greek yogurt, or any sauce you care for. Everyone will tell you how juicy the chicken is.

Try this recipe with a good amount of the elote seasoning blend, or everything but the bagel or your own. 

Just in case you didn’t get enough, here’s another “elotero”in action ; making it a lot slower so you can check out all the additions (god, he puts crema and tons of mayo!) … cheese made from goat and cow…homemade red chile paste…. All for just around $1.



My newest “Love It” item at Trader Joe’s are their new spicy flavored JERK-STYLE PLANTAIN CHIPS.

Warning: SERIOUSLY SPICY (and SERIOUSLY DELICIOUS). No kidding. I mean mouth on fire level SPICY! You’ve been warned. Now taste these, if you dare.

I’ve always loved the regular Plantain Chips. They are one of the best products at Trader Joe’s. Only $1.69. Amazing snacks.


The Jerk-Style chips are the same delicious plantain chips but with lots of seasonings added to them. I’m talking highly spicy Jamaican Jerk Seasonings. They got that Jerk flavor kind of right on the nose with this spice mix blend:

Each individual Chip is covered in a generous dusting of jerk cooking-inspired herbs and spices, including allspice, garlic powder, cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg, and ginger extract.

What you’ll likely notice above all other flavors, however, is the increasing heat of spicy red chili pepper powder. As you snack, the spice builds steadily (but not altogether overwhelmingly) to an exhilarating crescendo of heat, making it a perfect treat for the real spice fans out there (you know who you are.)

Try ’em if you can take the heat. Also, try them with some kind of dip to go with these chips (guacamole? hummus? greek yogurt and garlic? Tsastiki?) They were delicious even with just some greek yogurt that I dipped each chip in. The Greek yogurt of course tames down the heat.

Put out a dish full of these chips with some cold beers and I think you will be in heaven. They cost $1.79 a bag.

Buy both kinds of these chips, regular and the Jerk-Style. These spicy ones are for when you want your mouth to tingle with some major, spicy Jerk spices.

TJ’s High Protein Organic Super Firm Tofu



Let me begin with saying I really like Trader Joe’s Firm Organic Tofu. I found that it’s pretty good, and priced fairly resonably compared to other stores. That is the tofu I usually buy at Trader Joe’s. Its got a pink label and comes packaged in water. This SUPER FIRM tofu on the other hand called HIGH PROTEIN ORGANIC SUPER FIRM TOFU is not sold package in water the way almost any tofu you have bought comes. This one is just sold wrapped in a plastic wrapper. I gave it a try but I wasn’t crazy about it. I found the texture too tough as a tofu lover, not to mention I am married to an Asian woman (She hated this tofu and made me promise never to buy it again!)

Still other people here have written in, via the Comments section saying they really like this Super Firm tofu. Therefor I think this may be one of those things that you will just have to try for yourself to see if you like it or the regular firm tofu. Some folks apparently really like it. I did not but then as the French say, “A Chacun Son Gout” (To each his own)

To me TJ’s frozen “Mandarin Chicken” is terrible but I know that it’s Trader Joe’s biggest selling product. Go figure.


TJ’s “Almond Smooth” Non-Dairy Beverage

Recently saw this in the “New Product” section at my local TJ’s in NYC (72 St). Liked the label design and thought I would try it. The label describes this product as, “A smooth and creamy all natural non-dairy beverage made from real almonds”.Sounds similar to soy milk in a sense but this is made from almonds.

I bought the “Vanilla” one (sweetened), as I usually like “vanilla” soy milk too. The packages recommends “serve chilled” so put it in the fridge for a few hours before trying it.

How does it taste? To me, totally delicious! It practically tastes like a milkshake (if it was made with nuts). Its so tasty, I can drink it as is and its my desert, after dinner. In fact its so good its dangerous. I have to stop myself from draining the package. Its really really good over cereal, instead of milk, as they suggest on the box, and I’ve been using it like crazy that way at breakfast time. Way tastier than milk. One thing I’ve yet to try is to use it in pancake batter as the package suggests but I can imagine how good an addition that would be.

Anywhere soy milk would be used, I imagine this can as well. The almond flavor makes it much more yummy than soy milk, as good as that is. I think “raw food” recipes use nuts, and mostly crushed almonds blended with water as a substitute for “milk” or cream, in other words it makes a creamy liquid similar to milk. The package says a cup (8 oz) has 90 calories – which seems to be about the same as regular milk. Cost: 32 Oz (1 Qt) is $1.69. It is marked both “Vegan” and “Gluten Free” (V & G ) If you haven’t tried this yet, grab it and see for yourself. I predict its going to vanish very quickly from your fridge once you taste how delicious it is though.